Friday, July 20, 2012

The Best Parts of Marketing

Marketing is a very important and useful part of any business venture. In the earlier days, the methods of traditional marketing has remained stabled to radio ads and billboards (the only options available to the companies) But today with new technology many more new options has come out in the field of marketing. Digital marketing is one of the greatest examples of this.

  • Digital Marketing:
  Marketing technologies were not so advance in earlier days. There was no method of knowing the exact number of peoples who have saw or heard about the ad. In this field television has made a great contribution as it is bit more interactive but still there is a long way to go. With digital marketing, however, we are already there.
   Digital marketing revolves entirely around the internet and it is known as the both pull and push internet technologies because it internet was used in both way, to push a message to someone in form of email, rss etc. At the same time it pulls also with content serving a banner ad and Pay Per Click search term.

  In digital marketing we can get the entire details such as what is being viewed, how often, how long, as well as other actions such as responses rates and purchases made. Note that each digital marketing technology is different and they all cannot provide the same report. Day by day digital marketing is evolving and new technologies are being created
  Digital marketing utilizes technology to allow interaction with advertising messages, and connects potential customers with key information before they buy.
  • Pay Per Click Marketing:
  Pay Per Click Marketing is the actual process of knowing your targeted customers. It's a company add to a website and the company will pay as much as the client will click on the ad. It targets advertising messages at website visitors. With the help of this the company will come to know about the exact targeted customers and will be able to focus on the exact targeted part to get maximum benefits out of it.
  • Banner Ad Marketing:
 Like PPC Marketing, banner ad marketing also targets advertising messages at website visitors. But unlike PPC Marketing it doesn't pay according to the numbers of visitors click on the ad, it pays for placing the ad to a website for a particular time span without seeing that whether anybody is clicking on the add or not. It is not as much focused as PPC Marketing. It allows advertisers to quickly bring their marketing message to thousands or even millions of digital viewers.
  • Video Marketing:
 Video marketing can be very specifically targeted to search term or topic. It can be set to play at the beginning or end of the internet movies or can be contained in the movie itself. Unlike traditional marketing online video marketing strategy helps to focused on targeted search term or topic.
  • Search Engine Marketing:

  Search Engine Marketing relies on the searching capabilities of search engines like Google and Yahoo to deliver a marketing message. But in this marketing businesses don't have to pay directly to these search engines like PPC Marketing and Banner Ad Marketing. This is because organic methods like articles and blog posts helps those site to make appear their visitors message for a particular search term. When a user searches for a particular term, the site listed with the relevant search result in the standard search engine with the digital marketing message is delivered.
  • Social Marketing:

  Social marketing is the very effective platform to create awareness within the online user regarding anything that you want (news. promotions, thoughts etc.) to spread. Social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Digg etc. allows user to post their promotional messages with details and to share it with other users. And if any user fined the message useful he/she can also share it and in this way more and more awareness is created and people came to know about it and the marketing spread socially. For social media marketing it's very important to build a group of proper interesting peoples. The process will take some time, but once it is created it will help businesses to spread messages inexpensively.

  All these we have got due to the benefits of digital marketing or as benefit of technology. Technology has changed the way of our thinking or the way we see brands. Technology puts new filter between brands and customers. Technology has become a strategic issue in digital marketing.

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