Friday, July 20, 2012

How Schools Could Use Social Media

There are so many uses for social media in schools. Here are a few of my ideas.
Sometimes, it’s hard for parents to stay patient with kids when going over homework. I see my husband get frustrated sometimes when my daughter doesn’t understand the concepts he’s described over and over again to her. She’s so frustrated, the tears come and then we all feel bad. When one of my children have a question about a subject, wouldn’t it be great to have a “homework hotline” on Twitter and/or Facebook? I remember we had a Homework Hotline we called when I was in middle school. I probably called once a week when I was taking algebra. This would update this concept in a new way using today’s technology.
Our school is putting its toes in the water regarding social media. Our principal has a blog and has encouraged kids to comment back on his posts. This summer he asked questions about a book assigned to my daughter’s grade. I’m proud to say my daughter was the first one to comment. He commented back and it made her feel so special. This year, he’s using the blog to help the parents keep up with events and special things the school may need at any given time, from items to volunteers. I would love to see him add a YouTube channel to enhance this idea. He could have teachers share difficult concepts or ideas with the kids on video.
It’s no secret that kids who are engaged learn better. Parents who are engaged are more proactive.
Another great use is to let students blog. There are several services out there that provide safe blogging environments. Kids want to blog. My daughter asks me everyday to set one up for her. Imagine how much higher our reading and writing scores would be if kids were given weekly blogging assignments. I’ve already set one up for her on  I’m looking forward to reading her posts!
When teachers blog, magic happens. Kids feel special and parents are more connected to what is happening in the classroom. Take a look at this one:
There’s a great article on Mashable that explains this and builds the case for social media in schools.
What are some other ways schools could use social media? Please share your thoughts in the comments below. I’d love to hear from you!

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