Wednesday, July 25, 2012

MTV Changed the World in the 80s- Here is What Comes Next

guess you could say I have hit NaBloPoMo rock bottom. Tonight, I literally googled "things to blog about" and landed at the link above. Oy vey. The first step is admitting you have a problem, right?

I do actually have things to write about - I want to come back to the last name thing, and I also still owe a "part 2" post regarding my participation in Blogger Bingo. The problem is I am SO FREAKING TIRED that I just don't have either of those posts in me tonight, or any recent night, it seems. I took a bunch of time off while my parents are in town so any days where I actually go into the office (as I did today) are full to the brim with catch up. When I'm not at work, I'm entertaining family, co-managing the full-time side project known as Our Household, chasing a crawler-slash-furniture-walker who refuses to be contained or sit still for more than 30 seconds, and defending my grading philosophy to grade-inflation-damaged graduate students with wicked senses of entitlement. Yup, I'm complain-y tonight. It's the exhaustion speaking. Sorry. :-(

I don't think we have plans tomorrow night so maybe I will get an earlier start and post something interesting for a change. I don't think I'm a fan of NaBloPoMo. It was fun and manageable at the beginning but this blog has taken a nosedive lately. I'm anxious to get  back to the days of quality over quantity.

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