Friday, July 20, 2012

How Flickr Did it Right

I use Flickr for my own photos, especially now that I have a new Sony A55 Camera which I got for Christmas. Flickr is simply a photo sharing site where you can posts both pictures and video to share with others or keep private.
Here’s how they did it right:
  • I think one of the best things about Flickr is its ability to play nice with social sites and mobile devices. You can share your pictures with Facebook, Posterous and Twitter and send pictures to your blog. Its really easy to use and intuitive.
  • You can also incorporate slideshows into your website directly from Flickr and share them on all platforms.
  • They definitely keep up with the latest technology, social sites and hardware including rumors they will be supporting Retina Display for the iPhone 4.
  • There are several mobile applications which you can use to instantly upload photos on all platforms.
  • Another cool thing you can do with Flickr is create postcards, greeting cards, DVDs and photo-books with your pictures (for a fee, of course!). You can create a photo into a canvas so it looks like an actual painting.
  • You get up to 100 megabytes of storage free and for a small fee ($24.95 per YEAR!) you can get unlimited storage with a PRO account. They are offering a free photo-book with Snapfish if you upgrade now. Here’s the link.
  • Flickr stands out is through its various organization abilities. You can put photos into sets and groups, tag them with keywords, or even show them on a map displaying the location in which the photo was shot.
  • People can comment on your pictures and rate them. At best, Flickr is a great way to store your pictures online. This is one Yahoo entity that finally got things right and has kept up with the way people use and view photos on the web.
How do you use Flickr in your business or personal life? Are there any other sites out there which you think do it better?

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