Friday, July 20, 2012

How Best to Comment on a Corporate Blog

I’m an avid reader of many corporate blogs including Delta Air Lines, Google, Disney Parks and Facebook.These blogs keep me in touch with the behind-the-scenes happenings within each company. I also get some great tips for my own business and learn from how the information is presented.
The best thing about corporations who blog is the interaction between the corporation and its fans (or detractors in some cases). As far as commenting on corporate blogs, there are no secrets or set rules. Just use common sense. Here are some quick tips:
  • Be brief. Keep your comment to one short paragraph and get to the point.
  • Don’t sell. This is not the place to try and get an “in” with the corporation for your own services or product. Its not appropriate and your comment will probably get deleted as spam.
  • Read the entire post first. Make sure you understand the point and stick to the message given. Make sure you understand the post or your comments will sound unintelligent.
  • Don’t troll. Trolling is posting inflammatory or off-topic messages purposefully. (Although what the real purpose of doing this is beyond me.)
  • Stay positive if possible. Even if you don’t agree with the company or subject, state your difference but add something positive to your comment.
Interaction via blog comments is a great way to state your opinion and let corporations know what’s going on in their fan base. Clear, concise and objective commenting goes a long way in helping a company make changes needed or to know they are on the right track. Your comments can be a valuable tool in their strategy and in yours making your voice heard to the many readers of that post and possibly leaving a lasting impression.
If you want to hear more about this topic, please visit my podcast The Bella Buzz. We did a show on this very thing. Click here to read and listen to the post “Using Comments as a Business Tool.”

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