Tuesday, September 4, 2012

WWE RAW Reaction: Punk & Heyman Own Chicago, Kane & Bryan Hug It Out, More

Check out RAW Pre-Action, a unique preview looking at what needs to happen during RAW.
Tonight’s edition of RAW (RAW 1006) took place in front of a loud and rabid Chicago crowd. Chicago fans have had a mind of their own for years now, and tonight was no different. Not even walking out on a match could make CM Punk a heel in his hometown. What happened? Take a look...
Results and Summary for the September 3, 2012 edition WWE RAW
Backstage 1: Footage of a preshow brawl between CM Punk and Jerry Lawler that removed the Hall of Fame commentator from the broadcast position for tonight
Promo 1: Sheamus opening promo with interruptions from CM Punk and AJ Lee, leading to the announcement of John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio and Sheamus vs. CM Punk (champion vs. champion) as our double main event
Match 1: Dolph Ziggler pinned Randy Orton in 13:40 with a roll-up and a handful of tights
Transition 1: The Miz joined Michael Cole for commentary for the rest of the night
Vignette 1: Daniel Bryan and Kane continued anger management therapy by presenting their “anger collages,” ending with Kane starting a trash can fire with his collage (which was blank)
Match 2: Rey Mysterio and Sin Cara defeated Cody Rhodes and Tensai in 7:50 when Cara pinned Rhodes following a Swanton Bomb
Vignette 2: Daniel Bryan and Kane continued this week’s installment of "Anger Management" with trust falls, where Kane caught Bryan, but both men allowed Harold to drop to the floor
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Promo 2: Sheamus vs. CM Punk didn’t happen as Punk advised AJ he was taking Labor Day off
Backstage 2: Punk informed AJ he was leaving the building, using a personal day
Match 3: World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus beat Jack Swagger by submission in 2:45, leading to a post-match brawl with Alberto Del Rio that ended with Ricardo Rodriguez eating a Brogue Kick
Match 4: Eve pinned Kaitlyn in 3:15 following a neck breaker, and shook hands with Layla (who was on commentary) after the match
Backstage 3: Jack Swagger informed AJ that he was taking an extended leave of absence
Vignette 3: Daniel Bryan and Kane completed anger management therapy for the week with Bryan offering Kane a rematch whenever he wanted one, and both men scared everyone out of the room, causing the therapist to snap
Backstage 4: As Matt Striker looked for a status update on Ricardo’s condition, David Otunga informed him that there was no comment
Match 5: Ryback pinned Jinder Mahal in 2:10 following a Falling Fisherman’s Buster
Backstage 5: AJ announced that John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio was now Falls Count Anywhere
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Promo 3: Daniel Bryan and Kane “Hug It Out,” leading to an in-ring brawl that ended with Bryan striking Kane with a chair

Match 6: US Champion Antonio Cesaro pinned Santino in 2:05
Match 7: Zack Ryder pinned Heath Slater in 3:00
Promo 4: Vickie Guerrero initiated a “sit-in” and debated with a chair. This brought out AJ, who apologized to Vickie, who left the ring and skipped to the back, causing AJ to take out her frustrations on the innocent chair
Match 8: Alberto Del Rio pinned John Cena backstage in 12:30 of a Falls Count Anywhere match after CM Punk returned to attack Cena
Backstage 5: CM Punk continued his attack on John Cena before getting back into a car and leaving as the driver revealed himself to be Paul Heyman

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