Friday, August 24, 2012

The One Question Your Prospects Really Want You to Answer

Many freelancers struggle to get new clients. You may be facing this struggle right now.
In fact, “How Do I Get Clients?” is one of the most frequently asked questions that freelancers ask. So, if you’re a freelancer who is struggling with the very real problem of getting clients, know that you’re not alone.
There are many effective tactics that you can use to find new clients, but in the end it all boils down to answering just one simple question.
In this post, I’ll let you know exactly what that question is and explain why (and how) you must answer it.

It’s Not About You

It might seem like your freelancing business is all about you. After all, you probably started your freelancing business so that you could fulfill one or more of your dreams. You do all the work. You receive the pay. It would seem to make sense if your freelancing business were all about you. But, it’s not.
While freelancing may allow you to live the life of your goals and dreams, your freelancing business won’t survive if fulfilling your goals and dreams is all that your business about.
You see, your prospective clients really don’t care whether you are living the life of your dreams. They probably don’t spend any time thinking about your life and your goals. That’s just not what they’re interested in.
So, what are your prospective clients interested in? What do your prospective clients really want to know?
Ultimately, there’s just one thing that they want to know…

What Can You Do for Me?

It’s really that simple.
Answer this question, and you’ll get more clients. Fail to answer it and you won’t.
Of course, your clients don’t mind if you manage to fulfill your own dreams while you meet their needs. They’re not coldhearted (at least most of them aren’t). But in the end, they want to know how they’ll benefit from hiring you. And you’d better know how to answer the question if you want to stay in business as a freelancer.

How to Answer the One Question

I used a key word to answering this very important question above. Can you spot it?
It’s the word “benefits.” Communicating benefits to your prospects is the key to winning them over to being clients.
To really answer the question in the way that your prospects want, you need to present yourself in terms of the benefits that you’ll provide to them. Surprisingly, many freelancers fail to do this with their marketing.
Here is a (fictional) example of how a fictional designer named “Joe” markets himself. It’s similar to the marketing efforts many freelancers use.

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