Saturday, August 25, 2012

How come the more chocolate you eat the more you want?

Yes, it is also said that women are more more likely to be addicted to it then men. It's mainly the coco and sugar in Chocolate that release alkaloids when eaten and these alkaloids are addictive. Alkaloids are also linked to alcoholism so this is why Chocolate can be addictive for some. In a Spanish study some of the ingredients were found in beer and wine. Also women are more likely to be addicted than men because your craving for chocolate might be caused by a deficiency in magnesium. Woman have a lesser intake of magnesium then men, for woman it is recommended to have a daily intake 320 mg and for men a daily intake of 420 mg. So by women having a lesser intake of magnesium it makes them more likely to be addicted to chocolate. Lastly it's not harmful as long as you don't eat a whole lot.


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