Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Obama ad uses different tone in drawing contrast with Romney

resident Barack Obama says in a new television spot that the economic plan favored by his rival Mitt Romney is a tired approach that would only favor the wealthy.
The Obama campaign says the minute-long ad, called "The Choice," will air in nine battleground states: Colorado, Florida, Iowa, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Obama's campaign said on Sunday they would not air any ads in Colorado through Friday in light of the shooting there last week. "The Choice" will begin airing in the state on Saturday, the Obama campaign tells CNN.

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In the spot, Obama looks directly into the camera and tells voters, "Over the next four months, you have a choice to make."
The president says the choice isn't just between Democrats and Republicans, or between himself and Romney.
"It's a choice between two very different plans for our country," Obama explains. "Governor Romney's plan would cut taxes for the folks at the very top. Roll back regulations on big banks. And he says that if we do, our economy will grow and everyone will benefit. But you know what? We tried that top down approach. It's what caused the mess in the first place."
By contrast, Obama says his plan would "ask the wealthy to pay a little more so we can pay down our debt in a balanced way, so that we can afford to invest in education, manufacturing and home-grown American energy."
Obama concludes by laying out the stakes he sees in November's election: "Sometimes politics can seem very small. But the choice you face, it couldn't be bigger."
The latest spot from the Obama campaign is a sharp contrast from an ad that has been running for the past week that hits Romney for reports he outsourced jobs as a private equity executive. The ad uses graphics of various news reports over video of Romney singing "America the Beautiful."

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