Wednesday, July 25, 2012

My Day Job Versus My Passion

Last week I was watching a Chris Rock special and in between cracking my ribs, a line he said just stuck, “Some people have Jobs, some people have careers’’.
This has got me thinking about jobs, careers, businesses, entrepreneurship and the like. We have been brought up with the assumption that immediately after graduating it’s time to go out and get a job. Is that true? Here’s what I deduced;
Whenever you get a job, you are trading your time for money to generate income. That means getting a job only pays you when you are working. How does it sound if you would still get paid 24/7 even when you are not working? Don’t your plants grow whether or not you are tending to them? Why not your bank account!? Getting employed brain washes people. Employers buy your time and you have a contract telling you what to do and basically who to be. If you were to pay for this article, would you pay me double if you knew it took me an hour to write it instead of 30min? The key is to identify your value for your time.
Smart people build systems that generate income any time of the day, all year long. Passion income. Start a business, invest. It takes time and effort to start one but once in motion it runs continuously whether you tend to it or not. Wouldn’t it be nice to catch a movie with friends knowing that while having a nice time with friends you are still earning money…
Experience: You gain experience while living. The world teaches us things every day. The problem with gaining experience from a job is that you usually repeat the same limited experience over and over. You learn a lot in the beginning then begin to stagnate. That isn’t life’s advancement.
This can be made worse when people (many do) treat their jobs as their social outlets. They hang out with the same people in the same field. Diversify, get EXPERIENCE. Talk to ‘strangers’ and Learn.
When you have earned your salary, the amount that gets to you is way too little. There are too many mouths to feed. Some deductions are made by your employer and that should be your money, and still, your paycheck still gets bit. Furthermore, someone can turn off your income by saying two words, “You’re fired”. Isn’t it safer to have 10 income streams that you can fall back on?
If the above gives you a sense of defensiveness it means it has a gain of truth to it, thus the emotional reaction. If it makes you mad, you are in the right direction. It’s a sign of cautiousness and awareness. Don’t stagnate, we all have to start somewhere in the aim to better our careers, let’s make our 20’s a stepping stone to better life. Invest! Generate a passion income!

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