Saturday, July 21, 2012

Empower Your Best Customers

I actually have a problem with this title Mr. Brogan. I empower ALL of my customers. Here’s why…We Love Our Customer I don’t believe in treating anyone who spends more with you any differently than those who spend the least. It’s just how I feel. Every customer has helped our business grow, no matter how much they spend with us. If you treat them right, they will become your biggest fans. Fans are important. Fans tell other people about you and sing your praises. Fans are loyal, passionate and powerful. Fans help you build your business faster, stronger and consistently. Fans rule!
I’ll give you an example that happened just about 30 minutes ago. I received a call from a PR agency who immediately told me she got our name from a client. She also heard about us from several other people including another Marketing/PR agency. Because of the fact that my company had such a strong recommendation from several people, she said we will be the number one recommendation on her list when she goes back to her client. Pretty powerful stuff.
So how do you empower your customers? Here are a few ideas:
  • Offer a referral fee. You can bet that customer who referred the PR agency will get 10% of the project price just for referring us. It’s a policy we’ve had since we opened our doors and our customers really respond to this.
  • Ask them for help. Let your customers know what you’re up to first and ask their opinions. Empower them to become a sort of advisory board. People love to help companies they believe in.
  • Make it easy to talk about you. Include your social media links on all emails to everyone. Include links to your website and blogs. Make it simple for people to click and share all of your articles online.
  • Sing your customer’s praises. Talk about their business and share their stories online. Promote them on your website.
  • Give them a reason to talk about you. Be consistent in letting people know what’s new and improved with your company. Share the news every once in a while.
  • Let them know you love them. I enjoy sending customers helpful articles about their industry. I just surprised a relocation client yesterday with an idea one of their competitors had in their industry which I thought they could localize. He emailed me back with much appreciation. A little love goes a long way.
How can you empower your customers? What are you doing now and how can you do it better? Share your ideas in the comments below. We always enjoy hearing from our readers, plus it empowers you to be heard and share your expertise online.

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