If you've seen the 1992
movie, you may remember when Mike Myers as Wayne and Dana Carvey as
Garth are parked near an airport runway. They're reclining on the hood
of a funky AMC Pacer, discussing "Babe-raham Lincoln," when suddenly a
huge airliner swoops by just a few feet overhead.
That's when they begin screaming above the airplane's deafening roar.
Phil Derner admits it.
"I've done that. There are so many times when I just want to ... lay
down near the approach lights and watch the planes go overhead and just
take it in."
He's talking about plane
spotting. Beginning around the mid-20th century, countless plane
spotters have been trotting the globe to view and photograph the world's
most impressive aircraft.
We like something that's bigger and faster -- and it freaking flies.
Phil Derner, NYCAviation.com
Phil Derner, NYCAviation.com
"Some people like cars," said Derner. "But we like something that's bigger and faster, and it freaking flies."
Derner, who created the plane spotting site NYCAviation.com in 2003, said the hobby is growing more popular as more people are lured in by the magic of flying machines.
Think about it, said
Derner, "Something that weighs up to a million pounds is taking to the
air, and you know the next time it comes down is going to be on the
other side of the world. I think that's fascinating."
"It's a passion that keeps me sane," said Chicago-based spotter Kevin Koske.
Intrigued? We've listed
some tips and suggested vantage points below. But first, let's talk
about what's arguably the most famous plane spotting destination on the
planet: Maho Beach on the tiny Caribbean island of St. Maarten.
You may have seen Maho in unbelievable interweb photos showing giant airliners flying just a few dozen feet above the beach.
These photos went viral years ago, and no, they aren't Photoshopped. They're real.
"If you like airplanes,
Maho is like the cherry on top" of a beautiful beach vacation, said
Justin Schlechter, a 747 pilot who's visited Maho several times. For
Koske, Maho is the "mecca of airplane spotting."
The beach sits at one end of a short runway at Princess Juliana International Airport.
The short runway forces approaching planes to come in low, about 30 to 50 feet over the beach.
Larger planes need to touchdown as close as possible to the end of the runway because they need as much runway as they can get.
As a result, plane spotters get one of the world's closest public views of giant airliners as they take off and land.
"It's a lot closer than you can get at a typical airport, in the States especially," said Schlechter. Read more about Schlechter's trips to Maho.
There's a bar on the beach, the Sunset Bar & Grill, where customers cheer with each flyover. "They go crazy," said Dianne Carbon, an employee there.
It's almost like it was an earthquake.
Dianne Carbon, Sunset Bar & Grill
Dianne Carbon, Sunset Bar & Grill
"People literally try to
see if they can touch the planes," she said. "In our office, when
they're taking off or coming in, it's almost like it was an earthquake."
But paradise for plane spotters also has its dangers.
When airliners prepare
for take off and rev their engines, daredevils will stand against the
airport fence and hold on. The jet blast is powerful enough to throw
people off the fence and onto the ground.
Spotters say their hobby
is more than a celebration of aviation. It's about fully recognizing
the majesty of machines that give us the super power to defy gravity.
And, perhaps surprisingly, it's also about camaraderie.
Yes, that is correct.
Plane spotting at popular vantage points comes with a social bonus.
"When you have a group of 20 people with a lot of different
personalities and people from all walks of life, it's a very diverse
group, and we have a great time," said Derner.
Some plane spotters will
even hook up on occasion, Derner said, because obviously there's
nothing more romantic than a roaring Airbus A380 blotting out the moon
and lighting up the night sky.
Derner said he met his
girlfirend, his "Babe-raham Lincoln" if you will, a year and a half ago
when she responded to his tweets about plane spotting. Oh yeah, and
she's a pilot.
Koske, who's a Chicago radio host when he's not chasing aircraft,
made a long anticipated journey to Los Angeles last September to visit
Imperial Hill, the primo vantage point for spotters at LAX. "To finally
go out there and spend four days spotting, sun up to sun down, was just
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