One person was injured when he bit into a sandwich containing a needle, Delta and Dutch officials said.
That passenger, James Tonjes, said he thought the object was a toothpick at first.
"When I pulled it out, then I found out it was a needle," he said Tuesday.

Tonjes said he has been placed on medication to prevent HIV.
A second passenger aboard
the same flight, Jack Drogt, told ABC's "Good Morning America" on
Tuesday that he not only found a needle, but he also discovered after
landing that his son found one in his sandwich aboard another flight
from Amsterdam.
The objects were
discovered in the sandwiches as the planes were flying Sunday from
Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands to Minneapolis, Seattle and two
flights to Atlanta, according to Delta spokeswoman Kristin Baur. Two of
the needles were found by passengers, she said. An air marshal aboard
another flight found a needle.
Officials initially
reported that four needles had been found. Baur said the two additional
needles reported Tuesday were not new incidents but a clarification of
earlier information.
U.S. Customs and Border
Protection issued a brief statement Tuesday saying it had seized at
least one item of food containing a "foreign object" and turned it over
to the FBI, which has said it is conducting a criminal investigation.
On Tuesday, Robert van
Kapel, spokesman for the military police in Schiphol, said detectives
there were looking into who put the needles into the sandwiches and why.
Military police provide police services at civilian airports in the
Netherlands, according to the Defense Ministry.
Gate Gourmet, which
provided prepared sandwiches to Delta, said the sandwiches originated at
the firm's facility in Amsterdam. The company has been in business
since 1992.
"This is a terribly
upsetting situation," Gate Gourmet spokeswoman Christina Ulosevich said.
"First and foremost is the safety of the traveling public. There's
nothing more important to us at all than the safety of the passengers
and crews."
Tonjes said it was about
an hour before the flight was scheduled to land in Minneapolis when the
flight crew served him a turkey and cheese sandwich.
He described the needle
that punctured the roof of his mouth as being about an inch long. He
said it looked like a sewing needle but did not have an eye.
"It happened so quick,"
he said. "I called the flight attendants, and they immediately took it.
They didn't make an announcement, but they did go around and collect
(the sandwiches)," he said.
FBI officials declined to comment Tuesday.
On Monday,
Transportation Security Administration spokesman David Castelveter said
the agency had notified all U.S. airlines with flights from Schiphol to
the United States of the situation.
Castelveter said on
Tuesday the agency has developed catering security procedures for
airlines and their contractors, but he said he could not disclose those
TSA conducts inspections to ensure compliance, he said.
It was unclear who is responsible for inspecting catered food loaded on airplanes and how and where it is screened.
The International Air
Transport Association, an airline trade group, said each country is
responsible for setting its own rules governing catering.
International Air
Transport Association spokesman Perry Flint said the International Civil
Aviation Organization, a United Nations agency, also has standards and
guidance on catering security.
Castelveter said the TSA evaluates the effectiveness of security protocols at international locations.
Delta is now serving
sealed prepackaged food on the Amsterdam flights instead of the
sandwiches, and no other needles have been found, said Baur, the Delta
"Delta requires all its
in-flight caterers to adhere to strict criteria in order to offer our
customers the very best onboard meals," Baur said in a statement. "The
safety and security of our passengers and crew is Delta's No. 1
Ulosevich said Monday
that Gate Gourmet provides food to other airlines but that it had not
received any other reports of tampering.
"We are absolutely
cooperating fully with federal and local authorities who are involved,
and concurrent with that, we'll be conducting our own full-scale
Frequent flier Gary
Leff, who rakes in more than 100,000 miles each year, said he's taking a
"wait and see attitude" but isn't planning to change the way he thinks
about airline food.
"I mean, this isn't
going to be the first thing ever found in airline food and certainly not
the first thing found in restaurant food," he said.
Leff is a frequent
domestic flier for work and redeems his miles for international
vacations, sharing his cheap travel expertise on his blog, View from the
He expects others to be
bothered by this incident "for about 15 minutes," Leff said. He
referenced a number of occasions when unwanted ingredients or objects
have been discovered in foods and medicines over the past few decades,
incidents no one seems to worry about or even remember, he said.
"I think most people are just so happy to be served food in the sky that they'll forget it pretty quickly," he said.
Tom Fuentes, a former
FBI assistant director, said he believes the incidents are "along the
lines of a serious prank," rather than a terrorist act.
The discovery of needles
does raise questions about oversight of off-site food preparation,
where numerous people have access to food before containers are locked,
he said.
Among those questions,
Fuentes said, are, "Who is watching the people who are preparing the
food? What kind of background checks are they going through? What kind
of security exists at those locations?"
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